240418ind skschool

Architect Phil Conte speaks during the school bond community forum held at South Kingstown High School last Thursday evening.

SOUTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. — As early voting starts on whether to approve a new high school with long-term tax increases, the five members of the South Kingstown Town Council offer insights — but at times conflicting information — about the proposal.

* For the full story, pick up a copy of this week's Independent on newsstands now or purchase a subscription to our E-Edition by clicking here.

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(2) comments


According to RIDE 2022 statistics. South Kingstown schools are at $25k per student. When the new stats are collected this number will be even higher due to he declining enrollment. Now with the projected 20% continued declining enrollment they shuttered 4 schools and are proposing demolishing 2 of them to build a stadium and smaller school?

Seems like it would be wiser to gut and remodel curtis corner as it is the exact sf needed. The old school could be sold off to developers to convert to housing. What am I missing here...except some pie in the sky of spending an extra $125 million ?

Engaged Citizen

I suppose that next, town council will tell us that we need "affordable housing" in SK. That will bring in people that need all of the town services, but are unable to pay their fair share of the taxes.

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